When was the company founded?
December 1, 2009.
When were the company’s shares listed?
October 28, 2020.
What is the company’s listing securities exchange?
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Growth.
What is the company’s securities code?
The code is 4934.
How many shares are in one trading unit?
One trading unit is 100 shares.
When is your accounting period?
It is July 31 each year.
When do you announce your financial results?
We announce our results quarterly. Please refer to the IR Calendar page for details.
When do you hold the general shareholders' meeting?
We hold an ordinary general shareholders' meeting in October every year. Please refer to the IR Calendar page for details.
Please tell us about your recent business performance.
Please refer to the Financial Highlights page.
What are your earnings forecasts?
Please refer to the Financial Results page for details.
Please describe your shareholder return policy and dividend policy?
We plan to increase internal reserves for business expansion for the time being. Therefore, at this stage, the possibility and timing of dividend payment are undecided.
What do I do if I have other questions than those listed above?
Please contact us using the Contact Form.