Based on our management philosophy of "Forever vivid. Untether time.", we will contribute to the sustainability of people, society and the earth. We will promote sustainability activities that aim to achieve both "social value" and "economic value."

Basic Sustainability Policy

Enabling unique pathways through life


Forever vivid. Untether time.
As humanity approaches the era of 100-year live spans, we aim to create a world where every individual can pursue new challenges with confidence and curiosity, free from preconceived notions of age and gender.
Working together with our stakeholders, we will think outside the square to provide unique value that can change the world, addressing social issues for a brighter, sustainable future.

Materiality and Goals

We have identified social issues brought about by changes in the social environment and identified matters that we consider important in achieving sustainable growth as materiality in the areas of the environment, society, and governance. We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and enhance corporate value by setting the following goals for each materiality and promoting specific initiatives.

Pursuit of prosperity that anti-aging brings

Contribution to Grobal Environmental Conservation

Initiative Policy

We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable and affluent global environment by addressing global issues such as climate change and waste pollution by working to reduce CO_{2} emissions and effectively utilize resources throughout the product life cycle.

Targets and Progress

Important Issues



Target year

FY2024 Results

Contributions to resource recycling and circular economy

Environmentally friendly paper usage rate*¹


Every fiscal year end


Initiatives for and contributions to a decarbonized society

Reduction rate for Scope 1 and 2

50% reduction
(Compared to July 2023)

End of July 2027

Implementing reduction initiatives*²

*¹ Limited to cosmetic boxes for cosmetics.
*² The target is being reconsidered due to the relocation of offices and the increase in stores.

Pursuing an Organizational Culture Whose Members Grow Up Together

Initiative Policy

We will create an environment in which each employee can demonstrate autonomous performance, grow up together through work, nurture each other, and become a group that continues to grow strong.

Targets and Progress

Important Issues



Target year

FY2024 Results

Developing human resources who strive to create value and continue to grow

Engagement scores

10% improvement
(Compared to July 2023)

End of July 2027

4.7% improvement
(Compared to July 2023)

Review of training system and expansion of training content accordingly

Implement the matters listed on the left

Every fiscal  year end

Promote review and expansion

Improving Well-Being

Initiative Policy

We will strive to maintain and manage the physical and mental health of our employees and everyone involved in our company, and to achieve a work-life balance.

Targets and Progress

Important Issues



Target year

FY2024 Results

Realization of mental and physical health

Obtain Health Management Certification

To be continuously selected

Every fiscal  year end

Certified as a Healthy Business Enterprise in 2024

Providing Unique Value

Initiative Policy

In order to pursue the prosperity of each and every customer, we will continue to provide products and services that meet the unmet needs of our customers, working together with our suppliers with unconventional and flexible ideas.

Targets and Progress

Important Issues



Target year

FY2024 Results

Pursuit of premier anti-aging quality

Number of anti-aging qualifications held by employees

75 or more newly acquired qualifications

End of July 2027

Number of newly acquired qualifications: 31

Expansion of systems to promote anti-aging

Implement the matters listed on the left

End of July 2027

Under consideration

Participation in social activities that promote anti-aging

Implement continuously

Every fiscal  year end

Continued implementation

Collaboration with suppliers

Procurement policy development

Disclose procurement policy

End of July 2024

Completed disclosure

We achieved our goal of formulating the procurement policy. Going forward, we will continue to promote efforts to "raise awareness of the procurement policy and conduct interview surveys" toward the fiscal year ending July 2027.

Corporate foundations that support growth

Strengthening governance

Initiative Policy

By realizing a management system with transparency and fairness and working to ensure thorough risk management and compliance, we will strengthen the corporate foundations that support business activities that all stakeholders can be proud of.

Targets and Progress

Important Issues



Target year

FY2024 Results

Developing and strengthening corporate governance systems

  • Consider and promote the matters listed on the left



  • Attendance rate



  • 100%



  • Every fiscal  year end



  • Compliance training: 99%*²
  • Information security training: 100%

Thorough risk management and compliance

Protection of information security and privacy

*¹ Excluding contracted and temporary employees.
*² An extension period was set up for those who have not taken the course, and 100% of participants took the course.

Materiality Identification Process

We have identified the issues that should be prioritized from the two perspectives of importance for stakeholders and importance for the business of the Group and have set five materiality issues.

STEP 1:Extraction of social issues

After analyzing the expectations and demands of internal and external stakeholders such as our customers, business partners, employees, shareholders and investors, we refer to information from major ESG rating agencies such as SASB standards, S&P Global Ratings, and others. We have sorted out  the social issues to be considered.

STEP 2:Implementation of materiality analysis (assessment of issues)

From the sorted out social issues, we extracted materiality candidates for the Group and conducted materiality analysis from two perspectives: (1) importance for stakeholders and (2) importance for the Group's business.

STEP 3:Identification of materiality

After discussing the results of the materiality analysis with each department within the company, we selected nine materiality candidates with particularly high priority. These nine items have been reconfigured into five material issues from the two axes of "pursuit of prosperity that anti-aging brings" and "corporate foundations that support growth."

STEP 4:Formulation of materiality action policy

We have decided on future action policies for the five materiality issues. These materiality and action policies were approved by the Board of Directors after deliberation by the Sustainability Promotion Committee.